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Q. How do you transfer the film to digital

A. I use a sprocketless transfer system that grabs the film by the edges. Each frame is scanned digitally from a 2K resolution camera and then converted to a .MOV file for editing on Final Cut Pro. Adjustments can be made on colorisation, grain and scratch removal. 


Q. What if my film is very old and damaged?

A. I always give my clients an honest opinion before I commence work to advise  if a transfer is recommended. If the tape arrives broken, I professionally splice it to minimise loss of any material. The films are physically cleaned using a 'wet gate' process to remove dirt and grime, but also to repair film scratches that are present.


Q. I don't know what is on the film. Can I view it first?

A. Yes. I invite customers to provide a sample reel of their choice, and I can transfer it to show the quality of the digitisation.*

*conditions apply. 



Q. What format is the final digitised file?

A. I normally convert to MP4 files but other file types can be arranged at clients request.



Q. What film formats do you do?

A. I scan Super8/Regular8, 16mm, with and without sound. 



Q. Can you digitise my video cassette? Its very old and not sure what it is?

A. I scan all old domestic video tapes ranging from the following: Betamax, VHS, VHSC, SuperVHS, Video 8, VideoHi8, Video8Digital, and miniDV. 

Please ring and we can discuss if you are not sure. 0404 447 535 


Q. What formats do you convert to?

A. I can convert to DVD, BluRay, *USB Flash Drive, *Hard drive or even upload to the Cloud formats i.e. iCloud, Dropbox, etc. 


*I supply all digital memory hardware. 

Q. I'm ready to convert my films and videos! What do I do next?

A. You can simply give us a call on 0404 447 535 or email to discuss. The normal options are that you can drop them off at my home studio in Croydon Park, NSW or I visit you. I also suggest courier or posting your media to me. If you want to post or courier your old media please fill out this form.

© 2024 Frame By Frame Transfers Pty Ltd All rights reserved

101 Mitchell Street, Croydon Park NSW 2133, Australia

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