0404 447 535
0404 447 535
0404 447 535
"Hi Dom, one year ago you created something very special for me and my family. I can’t thank you enough. You did an exceptional job and I was so happy with the outcome" - Marie Navarra Florio

Reel sizes

Prices start from $25 per tape*************$45 per film reel
Please call us on 0404 447 535 / 0431 916 374 for rates on all films, video, film slides and audio formats.
* We also provide a service where a musical soundtrack, sound effects, and titles can be added to your project making it a visual documentary of your family history during the golden film period of Super/Regular 8.
** Additional pricing for storage media (i.e. USB or HardDrive to be determined with client dependant on market
rates of items.
*** Prices to be negotiated. For Full Terms and Conditions please click
Video Tape Formats

Digital Memory
Every 1G of Data transferred is $5.
2hr DVD transferred to HardDrive/USB is $10
35mm slides
Set up $30 (for jobs less than $100)
Per slide - $0.70
please call 0404 447 535 to discuss file sizes.